Jeff Wayne's The War of the Worlds: The Immersive Experience Environment Art
Jeff Wayne's The War of the Worlds: The Immersive Experience Environment Art

For a stretch of 8 months in 2018-2019, I was contracted as Lead Environment Artist to design and help create the many environments for dotdotdot's production of Jeff Wayne's The War of the Worlds: The Immersive Experience, an immersive theater production that opened in London and prominently featured virtual reality. I was responsible for much of the artistic and technical decision-making for each of the virtual reality environments, much of the hands-on work of modeling, texturing, lighting, and optimizing them, R&D, and for helping direct a small team of artists to bring the project to completion.

Megascans and Unity's asset store were invaluable for this project, especially for vegetation, rocks, and small props.

Each scene featured heavy videogrammetry characters which made maintaining 90 FPS on HTC Vive Pro a challenge. Unity's lightweight render pipeline proved essential for hitting our target framerate.

Featured are a selection of the environments that I heavily worked on.

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